Boiler Upgrade Scheme
BEIS proposes a Boiler Upgrade Scheme of limited size for a temporary period to replace the Domestic RHI, but nothing to replace the non-domestic RHI.
Has The Treasury given up on addressing climate change?

Grid Carbon Factors fall again
BEIS has published its Updated Energy and Emissions Projections. These not only show a steady decline in the Grid Carbon Factors through to 2035, but also confirm the dramatic fall in carbon emissions from UK grid electricity between 2014 and 2017.

Fossil fuel heating ban in new homes from 2025
New standards will be "mandating the end of fossil fuel heating systems in new homes from 2025 delivering lower carbon, and lower fuel bills too".

Heat Networks Investment Project
BEIS has announced that its £320m Heat Networks Investment Project has opened for applications on 5 February 2019. “The UK has led in the decarbonisation of electricity and we are equally committed to tackling heat. The Heat Networks Investment Project has created a route to market for innovative energy projects and demonstrates a key objective of the Clean Growth Strategy: to deliver technologies that lower bills, cut carbon and improve the quality of life for communities across the country.”

Ashden Awards
Ashden Awards announced its longlist of candidates for Ashden Awards 2019 in January 2019. The list includes ICAX for its pioneering work Fifth Generation District Heating Networks in the Balanced Energy Network installed at London South Bank University.

Collaborate to Innovate Award
The Balanced Energy Network won the Energy and Environment category in The Engineer's Collaborate to Innovate Award on 6 November 2018 for its Fifth Generation District Heat Network. The winning consortium, led by ICAX, included London South Bank University, Upside Energy, Mixergy, TFGI, Origen Power and Cranfield University.
Claire Perry encourages Heat Pumps
The Minsiter of State for BEIS would like to see more heat pumps installed: Claire Perry encourages Heat Pumps.
Heat Pumps in London
The Mayor of London has comissioned a report to examine the implications of widespread adoption of heat pumps in London to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality in the capital: Heat Pumps in London.
UTP chooses ICAX for precision engineering factory
Universal Tool & Production Company Ltd, a specialist precision engineering company, chooses ICAX to provide sustainable heating in winter and sustainable cooling in summer to its new facility at Daedalus Airfield, Lee-on-the-Solent: UTP chooses ICAX.
Bouygues chooses IHT
Bouygues chooses Interseasonal Heat Transfer for the refurbishment of the prestige redevelopment ofCambridge Terrace in Regent's Park, London. The Interseasonal Heat Transfer installation, which provides heating and cooling to the terrace, will emit no gases on site and this assists in the control of air quality in central London.
Innovate UK chooses ICAX
Innovate UK has awarded a contract to ICAX and London South Bank University to provide a feasibility study on Cold Water Heat Networks. See Innovate UK chooses ICAX.
TRL reports on IHT ice clearing at Toddington
The Transport Research Laboratory has recently published a detailed report of its two year investigation into renewable energy generation within the highways network for the Highways Agency. The Toddington results report focuses on Interseasonal Heat Transfer which was invented, developed and patented by ICAX Limited of London.

Net Zero by 2050
The Climate Change Committee has published its report "Net Zero – The UK's contribution to stopping global warming" which gives a clear endorsement to the use of heat pumps for low-carbon heating.
Clean Air Strategy – DERFA
DEFRA published its Clean Air Strategy on 22 May 2018 with the optimistic hope of reducing the costs of air pollution to society by an estimated £1 billion every year by 2020.
Clean Growth Strategy – BEIS
BEIS published its Clean Growth Strategy on 12 October 2017 in response to the Climate Change Committee's report on "Next steps for UK Heat Policy".
Renewable Heat Incentive Continuity
The carrot for new investment continues until March 2021, when it is likely to be replaced by a stick!
Don't miss the RHI bus! There's never been a better time to invest in ground source energy.
10% of UK Electricity used for Air Conditioning
A new Study of energy use by Air Conditioning by BRE says that 10% of UK electricity is used for cooling. The use of roof mounted chillers for cooling is very inefficient: there is a better way to provide cooling!
Energy Recycling is Ultimate Energy Saving Measure
The Committee on Climate Change has published its report on "Next Steps for UK Heat Policy". It is urging full hearted support for heat pumps and also for the Government to consider conversion of the gas grid away from natural gas towards distributing hydrogen.
Ofgem's Insight Report into Decarbonisation of Heat
Ofgem has published its Insight report on The Decarbonisation of Heat. ICAX welcomes the report in which Ofgem agrees there is a need to focus on heat pumps as the leading low-carbon heating option for buildings.
Innovate UK awards ICAX led Consortium
Innovate UK has awarded £2.9m towards a £4m ICAX led consortium to build a Balanced Energy Network at London South Bank University to demonstrate innovations in integrated energy supply chains.
Owen Square Solar Powered District Heating
DECC funded innovative district heating project opens in Easton, Bristol: Owen Square District Heating.
Paris Agreement on Climate Change
The French host the UN Climate Change conference which leads to a historic Paris Agreement on restricting Climate Change increase to well below 2°C. How will DECC respond?
DECC's Water Source Heat Map
DECC has just published its Water Source Heat Map to encourage the use of water source heat pumps to provide renewable heating and renewable cooling and save on carbon emissions.
DECC chooses CHOICES consortium for SBRI solar district heating demonstration at Owens Park, Easton, Bristol.
Kingston Heights
The new £70m mixed use development at Kingston upon Thames demonstrates the power of water source heat pumps: Kingston Heights.
Energy Hub Progress
Frans Koene of TNO summarises the progress to date on developing energy management systems and advanced seasonal heat storage in a full scale demonstration at Leuven, Belgium: Energy Hub Progress.
Heathrow Winter Resilience Enquiry – Begg Report
Professor Begg has reported to BAA on why it took three days to clear Heathrow's second runway of ice in December 2010. See: Heathrow Snow Enquiry. How can a repeat be prevented?
De-icing Heathrow's second runway took three days in December 2010
Why did it take three days to clear Heathrow's second runway of ice in December 2010? See: De-icing Runways with IHT.
Tesco chooses IHT for Greenfield Supermarket
Tesco has chosen Interseasonal Heat Transfer as the sustainable heating and cooling source for its new supermarket in Greenfield and reduces carbon emissions by 41%. Tesco Greenfield Supermarket.
ICAX is invited to join major EU research project on Energy Hubs
The European Commission has allocated €11,660,000 to fund research into district heating and carbon free energy communities. Energy Hub Research.
Merton chooses IHT for its Intergenerational Centre
The London Borough of Merton chooses Interseasonal Heat Transfer™ for its new Acacia Intergenerational Centre in Mitcham: Merton IGC. The first purpose built Intergenerational Centre in England opened in February 2010.
Suffolk chooses IHT for Suffolk One Sixth Form College
Suffolk County Council has chosen Interseasonal Heat Transfer™ for its new £65 million Sixth Form College in Ipswich: Suffolk One.
Misawa Licence
ICAX Limited have issued a licence to Misawa Environmental Technology Co of Hiroshima in Japan to use the ICAX IHT™ technology for a single project, in anticipation of rolling out a number of future projects in building and infrastructure allocation. Misawa Licence.
BBC London News
On 12 September 2005 the ICAX IHT installation for the Highways Agency at Toddington was featured in a report on BBC London News by Louisa Preston and Andrew Wynn Stanley.
British Invention
A revolutionary British invention that uses the surfaces of motorways to collect
and store energy for heating and cooling roads and buildings throughout the year began
official trials adjacent to the M1 near London in June 2005. British invention.