Renewable Energy Systems
ICAX Limited provides a turnkey package for meeting sustainable energy targets on construction projects using ground source energy. We undertake design and installation to ensure that heating and cooling needs are met in a sustainable way by recycling heat energy. We can also help in achieving grants to mitigate costs including the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme administered by Salix.
ICAX provides sustainable energy
ICAX provides a complete range of services from initial feasibility through thermal modelling to delivery, monitoring, maintenance and reporting carbon savings.
The integration of renewable energy technologies and the electronic systems which control them are critical to achieving good results.
We prefer to work in conjunction with architects and M&E consultants from the earliest stage to ensure that there is a clear understanding of how we can help to deliver a sustainable building with a high carbon offset.
Please email enquiries to
ICAX Limited
33 Greenwood Place
Telephone 020 7253 2240

ICAX Limited
Solis One
Griffin Lane
Rising Sun Industrial Estate
Blaenau Gwent
NP13 3JW
Registered Office: 39 Dryburgh Road, London SW15 1BN
Company registration no: 03900983
CRN: 03900983
VAT registration: GB 802 8882 18
EROI no: GB 802 8882 18 000
UTR: 7067202344
SIC code: 43220
D-U-N-S Number: 239105161
| Hospitals
| Schools
| Offices
| Factories
| Swimming pools
| Supermarkets
| District Heating
Ground Source Energy
See Ground Source Heating Ground Source Cooling Ground Source Energy
ICAX Projects
Toddington | Howe Dell | Hiroshima | HMP Garth | Merton | Suffolk One | Tesco Greenfield | Wellington | Cambridge Terrace | UTP Factory | Shoreham Port Marine Source Heat Pump
ICAX District Heating Projects
Solar district heating Easton, Bristol
Balanced Energy Network London South Bank University
Southwark Community Heating London Borough of Southwark
ICAX projects using Asphalt Solar Collectors
Toddington | Howe Dell School | Hiroshima | HMP Garth | Suffolk One College