"Reduce taxes on electricity to allow heat pumps to be installed in the UK"
The UK installed only some 30,000 heat pumps in 2019. This is because the UK imposes 25.5% of taxes on top of the price of domestic electricity. This is a higher rate of tax than almost any other country in Europe.
Sweden installed over 100,000 heat pumps in 2019. This is because Sweden imposes very low tax on electricity, and a high tax on burning gas. Sales of heat pumps in Sweden are 35 times higher than in the UK, per head of population.

Please consider signing the current petition to government to reduce taxes and "environmental levies" on electricity to allow heat pumps to be installed in the UK.
The UK imposes 25.5% taxes on electricity, but only 2.5% on gas. These taxes are preventing the decarbonisation of heat in the UK. Government needs to switch taxes from electricity to gas to allow people to run heat pumps, to fight climate change, to encourage the long-term supply chain for heat pumps, reduce imports and support clean energy.
The UK cannot start to achieve the prime minister's aspiration of 600,000 heat pump installations a year by 2028 until it reduces taxes on electricity – at least for those who install heat pumps.
The high taxes on domestic electricity is a historical anomaly that needs to be corrected to allow heat pumps to be adopted at scale in the UK.
Clear Signals
We now need a clear signal from government that it believes in fighting climate change.
The government seems to be waiting for a clear signal from citizens that we support the decarbonisation of heat by installing heat pumps.
Please vote for the petition
Please vote for the Petition to remove taxes from electricity to allow heat pump installations
Please also encourage your friends and familly to vote too.