Getting Serious About Net Zero
BEIS, 1 Queen Victoria Street, London
Tuesday 24 September 2019

BIEE's London conference on September 24 debated the implications of Net Zero for UK energy policy and considered: "What we must do now".
2018's IPCC special report on global warming of 1.5°C has put the achievement of Net Zero emissions at centre stage for energy and climate policy around the world. How we can eliminate all (net) greenhouse gas emissions, and how quickly, is now the key focus, driving more intense efforts towards radical innovation, technologies and policies.
These issues are at the heart of the debate. Delegates heard from the Committee on Climate Change following its advice published on when and how the UK can reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and achieve Net Zero by 2050.
Keynote address | ||
Julian Critchlow | DG Energy Transformation Group | BEIS |
Beyond power: Decarbonising heat, transport and industry | ||
Alex Kazaglis | Principal | Vivid Economics |
Chris Stark | Chief Executive | Committee on Climate Change |
Guy Newey | Strategy and Performance Director | Energy Systems Catapult |
Jo Coleman | UK Energy Transition Manager | Shell |
The Energy Transition: carbon policy levers | ||
Michael Grubb | Professor of Energy and Climate Change | UCL ISR |
Tim Lord | Director, Clean Growth | BEIS |
Sara Vaughan | Policy and Regulatory Affairs Director | E.ON |
Low Carbon Technologies & Innovation | ||
Mark Taylor | Deputy Director of Innovation | BEIS |
Nicola McChyene | Head of Ideas Labs | Centrica Innovation |
Neil Morris | CEO | The Faraday Institution |
Fiona Howarth | CEO | Octopus Electric Vehicles |
Panel Debate: UK Industrial Policy | ||
Mallika Ishwaran | Senior Economist and Policy Advisor | Shell |
Andrea Griffin | Sustainable Finance | HSBC |
Rain Newton-Smith | Chief Economist | CBI |
Sonia Van Ballaert | Global Client Director | IBM |
Will Webster | Energy Policy Manager | Oil and Gas UK |
Charlie Wilson | Reader in Energy and Climate | UEA |
For those who are concerned to hear what actions can be taken now, see: Getting Serious about Net Zero now.